Friday, January 26, 2007

Bored, Alone, and Unwanted

Well, I feel like I need to post, but have nothing to post about. Not much has happened to me lately. All I know is that I only need to see one more friendly gesture from my captor before I will officially accept he/she as an ally. Whatever the case, I am very upset about a certain matter.

So why is Jonathan the only person really interested in my well being? For goodness sake! I was a happy dancing chicken who only wanted to make everybody else happy, but now it seems that nobody cares where I end up. So whether I end up being well cared for or making somebody well fed, I think that Jonathan is the only person who would remotely pay attention. In most cases it probably wouldn't be Jonathan who does that. Usually it would be Mr. Box, but in this case everything is all mixed up!

So bored, so alone, and so unwanted.

Thus ends the sufferings of the happy youth group mascot.

Now I must go sob.

And it's one of those rare times when I am not happy.

So somebody make me happy and comment!


Jonathan said...

Do not cry.

Anonymous said...

I think no one recognizes you with out your white beard!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry buddy, we're here for you, but gosh- it must stink to be you!

No but seriously, I'm a little upset about the lack of bloggers actually blogging too.

Brian said...

The thing is Cluck, you only entertained one or two people when you were at church. Everyone else just put up with your foolish interruptions. Sorry to crush your dreams but everyone besides Jonathan has moved on. No one cares...

Jake H said...

I want Cluck back! Waaahhhhh!!! I care too! Give the chicken back Colin, I know it was you!

Cluck said...

That hurts Brian! How could you? As a fellow member of the youth group, human or not, I will not take such criticism!

Anonymous said...