Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snowed In

I am very confused about several things today. I am beginning to think that my captor is friendly, although why the thief hides from me is strange. Today my happy dancing broke from the abuse of many of the boys from youth group. Now I can no longer "keep flapping those wings" or walk around. My captor tried endlessly to fix me, but to no avail. Another thing I am confused about is the weather. The thief took me outside today for a little while. I think that he/she must have taken me far away, because there is no way that I was actually in Texas. It was cold! It was icy! IT WAS SNOWING! I got a brief look at the area, but couldn't really gather much from it. Maybe you can though!

Well, you can't gather much from that either, but that is proof that it actually snowed. That is all I have to say for now. Goodbye fellow youth!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

I never hurt you Cluck. It was not my fault that you broke. I am sorry. I also think that the thief is more likely to be a girl considering the comment toward boys. Just a guess. Later!!