Friday, January 26, 2007

Bored, Alone, and Unwanted

Well, I feel like I need to post, but have nothing to post about. Not much has happened to me lately. All I know is that I only need to see one more friendly gesture from my captor before I will officially accept he/she as an ally. Whatever the case, I am very upset about a certain matter.

So why is Jonathan the only person really interested in my well being? For goodness sake! I was a happy dancing chicken who only wanted to make everybody else happy, but now it seems that nobody cares where I end up. So whether I end up being well cared for or making somebody well fed, I think that Jonathan is the only person who would remotely pay attention. In most cases it probably wouldn't be Jonathan who does that. Usually it would be Mr. Box, but in this case everything is all mixed up!

So bored, so alone, and so unwanted.

Thus ends the sufferings of the happy youth group mascot.

Now I must go sob.

And it's one of those rare times when I am not happy.

So somebody make me happy and comment!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another Close Call

Today's events really freaked me out. This time I thought I was on the menu for sure! As you can see, I am writing to you right now, alive and well. Regardless of the outcome, I do NOT want to go back where I was today. The place was downright scary, everything about it! There were cows all over the place, and they were all holding up poorly spelled signs that said things like, "Eat mor chikin"! That is when I started to panic.

Look at that sign! Have you ever seen anything so vulgar in your life? Who would eat a chicken, I mean seriously! As if it wasn't bad enough to sit me next to that cow, then the thief took me up to the front counter, and then I thought that surely I was going to become dinner.

In the end it turns out that he/she was just buying me a milkshake. I really like this person! I guess the only reason they had to take me to a place where the smell of my friends infests the air is because their milkshakes are so good!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Caffeine Craze

Recent events are backing up my original thoughts of the thief. This time there is little doubt that I am cared for. What better way to enjoy the strange weather than with a nice hot latte? Just a few days ago the kidnapper treated me to this rare treat (especially rare for me, a chicken). Jonathan, even if you find me I don't think I will want to go back! This could be a genuine sign of appreciation for my work at church, or he/she could just be buttering me up before the slaughter!

Whatever the reason, I enjoyed that latte, but don't expect another one any time soon. But what is next in my little adventure?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snowed In

I am very confused about several things today. I am beginning to think that my captor is friendly, although why the thief hides from me is strange. Today my happy dancing broke from the abuse of many of the boys from youth group. Now I can no longer "keep flapping those wings" or walk around. My captor tried endlessly to fix me, but to no avail. Another thing I am confused about is the weather. The thief took me outside today for a little while. I think that he/she must have taken me far away, because there is no way that I was actually in Texas. It was cold! It was icy! IT WAS SNOWING! I got a brief look at the area, but couldn't really gather much from it. Maybe you can though!

Well, you can't gather much from that either, but that is proof that it actually snowed. That is all I have to say for now. Goodbye fellow youth!

Monday, January 15, 2007

I've Gone Missing!


My name is Cluck, and I am the Two14 SW chicken. All I ever wanted was to make people have some fun and do my little dance, when one fateful Sunday morning, Mr. Box kicked me out of the youth group! Luckily I was recovered by Jonathan Baker, who neglected my desires to find a home and left me there for two weeks. January 14, 2007, I was taken by the chicken thief. I do not know his or her identity as this scoundrel has managed to hide his/her face. I am not yet aware of whether the thief is a friend or foe, but I shall soon find out from my treatment. I have decided to keep this log of where the thief takes me so I can be rescued, but my chances of being found look bleak. Right now I am being held at the thief's lair, awaiting my own fate. Until then, please help me find out my captor's identity, and WHERE THE HECK I AM!